There is the character of an ancient farmer dwelling, there is the smell of the earth and the colors of the vineyard; the olive trees and the stone walls dominate the landscape. The clean air of the countryside is full of the fragrances of Salento’s cuisine… this is the Tenuta Yala.
An intelligent work of restoring agricultural and renovation of existing facilities
The old farmer house was carefully renovated by the owners through an intelligent work of agricultural restoration and a refurbishment of the existing facilities. The estate covers an area of 16 hectares, characterized by the presence of six hectares of vineyards of Negroamaro, surrounded by ancient olive trees; a white building stands between them with simple and elegant shapes and offers spaces rooms for a comfortable and relaxing stay.
In the middle of the vineyard not so far from the main building
you can find two dépendances that allow visitors to enjoy their stay independently in the nature.
The dinning room has been created in the old stables of the farm,
today it looks like an elegant and cozy space and it is characterized by its wide fireplace and by the starry vaults restored to their old splendor.

Alberi e piante circondano la piscina a sfioro di 20mt x 7mt
circondata dal prato verde e dai muretti a secco, dal solarium attrezzato dove ci si può concedere momenti di fantastico relax nella quiete assoluta della campagna salentina.

The Tenuta Yala is also an ideal place for children
che potranno correre sui verdi prati o giocare nell’area appositamente attrezzata. Per i pù piccoli, inoltre, è stata predisposta una piscina ad hoc dove i genitori potranno rilassarsi con i propri bimbi.

Our guests can rent and use our bikes
per esplorare la campagna circostante, prenotare il servizio navetta per raggiungere le più belle spiagge del Salento o visitare le principali località nell’entroterra e sulla costa jonica ed adriatica.